FLAG FOOTBALL – IS BORN “ATLANTIC COOPERATION FOR FLAG” webmaster, 10/06/202010/06/2020 European night and Mexican early afternoon, Ms.Rebecca Corchado speaks in conference with the IAAFL International Board. Four-year programming (2021/2025) of AICS / IAAFL events. “Atlantic Cooperation for the Flag” is the package dedicated to Flag Football launched since September 2020. Meeting topics: Mediterranean Championships 2020/22/24, Cancun Bowl, World Campionships 2021/23/25, Copa Latinoamerica 2020/22/24, World Cup 2020/21, discipline development, referees (RAFA) and coaches (AFCA) , regulations and good organizational practices. Noche Europea y Tarde Mexicana, Ms. Rebecca Corchado habla en conferencia con el Board de IAAFL International. Programacion cuatrienal (2021/2025) de eventos AICS / IAAFL. “Cooperacion Atlantica para el Flag” es el paquete dedicado al Flag Football desde Septiembre 2020. Asuntos tratados: Mediterranean Championships 2020/22/24, Cancun Bowl, World Campionships 2021/23/25, Copa Latinoamerica 2020/22/24, World Cup 2020/21, desarrollo de la disciplina, referees (RAFA) y coaches (AFCA), organizacion y buena practica. FLAG IAAFL WORLD